University of Basrah organizes a workshop on how to find the appropriate magazines to publish scientific articles in the SCOPUS

The Department of Animal Production at the Faculty of Agriculture at University of Basrah organized a compact workshop (in attendance and electronically) on how to find the appropriate magazines to publish scientific articles in the SCOPUS. The workshop aimed to shed light on ways to find the appropriate scientific magazine to publish scientific research in the SCOPUS and the Publishing House, as well as ways to avoid publishing in magazines and predators or fake publishing houses. The workshop in which Professor Khaled Jalab Kredy Al -Salhi attended the presentation of a presentation and the use of applied examples by selecting the names of magazines and entering the Scopus website and clarifying the steps how information is obtained about the magazines chosen in examples. The workshop recommended the need for the researcher to investigate the selection of discreet scientific journals for the purpose of publishing scientific research and productions and avoiding magazines and fake or predatory publishing houses.