The Plant Protection Department, Biological Control Unit, College of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Directorate of Agriculture in Basrah Governorate, Department of Crop Protection, organized a symposium entitled Biopesticides and their Uses in Basrah Governorate.
The symposium aimed to identify the most important biological methods used by the Department of Crop Protection and the Prevention Department in the Directorate of Agriculture in Basra in managing and combating epidemic pests.
The symposium, in which Dr. Muhammad Mahdi Al-Diraoui lectured, included the most important modern methods of control through the use of parasites, pathogens and plant extracts with the aim of limiting or regulating the use of chemical pesticides in combating agricultural pests.
The symposium recommended the necessity of increasing the production and use of biological enemies in combating agricultural pests, which leads to reducing environmental pollution with pesticide residues and producing agricultural crops free of pesticide residues and increasing agricultural production