College of Agriculture is preparing to participate in the Hackathon competition

Outstanding students from the departments of the College of Agriculture - University of Basra are preparing to participate in the international Hackathon competition with the universities of: Wageningen in the Netherlands, Duhok and JUSTY in Jordan under the title (Closing the gap between education and labor market).
The teacher in the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources ,Dr. Mohsen Abdulhai Desher, and the general supervisor of this competition in our college stated that this competition is one of the scientific activities and programs that are currently taking place within the scientific memorandum of understanding signed between the University of Basra and some Dutch scientific authorities. Which includes: Wageningen University, Delphy Institute and Icra Institute, which includes many scientific activities for professors and students of the Faculty of Agriculture such as agricultural training, joint research and student competition.
Abdul Hai pointed out that the competition will be for a period of 12 hours, continuing in one day (9 am to 9 pm) from Thursday, 28th of the current T. Coach supervisor for each group to put forward ideas and topics of interest to the agricultural side, which can help students after their graduation by reducing the gap between what they have learned from theoretical and practical information in the specialties of the college and finding future job opportunities in the agricultural sector. The speed of offering realistic and professional solutions that confront graduates of colleges of agriculture in improving and developing the agricultural, plant and animal sectors and secondary industries, both quantitatively and qualitatively. He also stressed that there will be certificates of appreciation from the Dutch organizing side of the competition for the participating students and a prize for the winning team.