Department of Fisheries and marine resources announces the start of the virtual course for graduate students

Department of Fisheries and marine resources  at College of Agriculture, in coordination with the International Institute of International Education (IIE) in Washington and its branch in Jordan, and the regional representative of the institute, Mrs. Celine Taminian (Jordanian), has started inviting Iraqi professors outside the country to give 15-hour electronic lectures in each course In various specializations for postgraduate students and teaching staff in Iraqi universities, he was the supervisor of the coordination process with Iraqi universities. Salam Bash Al-Maliki, a faculty member at the Iraqi University and a founding member of the ministerial committee responsible for coordinating with the Institute of International Education regarding remote lectures and courses.

Dr. Khaleda Salem Khudair, Head of the Fishies Department, stated that  Dr. Atheer Hussain Ali has been nominated to arrange the schedule of lectures given by Prof. Adel Yaqoub Al-Handal (Sweden), entitled (Scientific Research, from planning to documentation), held from 10/18 to 8/11/2021, as well as  Dr.. Majed Zaki Hamid and his lectures entitled (Preparation and Writing Feasibility Studies for Small, Medium, and Big Projects) for the period from 12/11 to 3/12/2021, and via Zoom platform, noting that the number of studies students registered in the two lectures has reached 29 students in both stages Research and write