College of Agriculture meets a representative of the Tasnim Scout Association

Within the framework of joint cooperation with civil society organizations, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. Sajid Saad Hassan Al-Nour, met with the General Commissioner of the Tasnim Scout Association, Mr. Muhammad Attia Al-Aboudi, where the meeting began by informing the Dean of the most important activities and programs of the association and the work plan within universities

   The Dean referred to the importance of the tree in human life, pointing out that the tree correlates with human life, authenticity and culture, stressing the need for youth to have the most prominent role in all activities and levels, especially in the agricultural aspect and sustainable development, and the participation of students in voluntary work that serves and preserves the environment. .

  It was agreed to hold several comprehensive scientific, cultural, scouting, developmental and voluntary activities for students of the Faculty of Agriculture with the aim of instilling a spirit of cooperation and solidarity in the university community and developing talents and skills among students