A master's thesis at the University of Basrah discusses the extraction, purification and characterization of the enzyme Transglutaimnase from some types of plants and its application in the sauce industry..

The Master's thesis in the Department of Food Sciences, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah discussed (extraction, purification and characterization of the enzyme transglutaimnase from some types of plants and its application in the sauce industry). Zina Kazem Younes Extraction of TGase enzyme from plants using different solutions, then purify the enzyme by precipitation with ammonium sulfate to produce a partially purified enzyme and apply it in the manufacture of bovine sauce product. for sausage samples. Then the partially purified enzyme was purified by gel filtration technique to produce a completely purified enzyme. The enzyme was characterized. The study concluded that it is possible to add TGase enzyme extracted from plants, and it was noted that the higher the concentration of the enzyme in the sauce samples, it led to giving regular textures compared to the control sample, in addition to improving the sensory characteristics of the sauce samples such as texture, flavor, viscosity, chewing, hardness and cohesion. The study recommended the possibility of extracting TGase enzyme from animal and other plant sources, and the possibility of lyophilization and preservation at refrigeration temperatures for different periods of time, in addition to the possibility of applying the partially purified enzyme in the manufacture of different types of food products such as fish products and milk ice cream.