Teaching staff at the College of Agriculture participate in a scientific symposium

The teaching staff at the College of Agriculture at the University of Basrah (Prof. Aqil Hadi, Prof. Hamza Abbas and Prof. Abdel Kazem Nasir, Prof. Aqil Hussein) participated in the A scientific symposium entitled (Palm planting projects in the desert of Basra Governorate and their role in achieving sustainable agriculture), which was held at the Basra and Arabian Gulf Studies Center The participation included a lecture entitled sustainable palm cultivation using biotechniques by Prof. Dr. Aqil Hadi, which aimed to use bio-channeling and included the production of a gene that is resistant to tensile damage to palms. As well as giving a joint lecture between Prof. Dr. Hamza Abbas and Prof. Dr. Abdel-Kazim Nasser, entitled Cultivation of (Sustainable Palms), which aims to use organic farming for palms and included benefiting from palm productivity, including shoots, fruits, leaves and stems of palms for the manufacture of furniture and compressed wood Prof. Dr. Aqeel Hussein also gave a lecture entitled (Organic Fertilization for Palms), which aims at sustainable agriculture and included the benefits of organic fertilization in the production of soil with high porosity and moisture preservation, which gives sustainable palms and high quality fruits At the end of the symposium, Dr. Muhammad Al-Jazaery, Director of the Basra and Arabian Gulf Studies Center, distributed certificates of participation to the participants