College of Agriculture opens its annual exhibition of its scientific and research products

College of Agriculture opened its annual exhibition on the occasion of Basra University’s celebrations of its 55th founding anniversary, in the presence of the scientific assistant to the President of Basra University, Prof. Zaki Abdullah Ahmed, and a number of academics from different universities The exhibition included many scientific products and patents, in addition to the specialized products and manufactures for each department of the Scientific College, as well as the participation of many local companies and those interested in handicrafts. The exhibition aims to inform the visual community of the outputs of the Faculty of Scientific Agriculture through a presentation of the most important modern innovations in the field of developing the agricultural sector and a presentation of the most important studies reached by researchers in the agricultural field of various types with pure academic models At the end of the exhibition, the Dean of the College of Agriculture, Professor Dr. Sajid Saad Hassan pointed out the role of College of Agriculture in providing the agricultural sector with modern means and the importance of promoting this sector, which is considered one of the safety valves of the food basket through the government’s material and moral support for the College of Agriculture and opening up prospects for cooperation with the Basra Agriculture Directorates and associations The agricultural sector to produce an agricultural yield sufficient to meet the needs of the governorate without the help of external import.