Lecturers of Agriculture College participate in a training fellowship in the Netherlands

Two Lecturers at the college of Agriculture, Prof. Nofal Abdel Amir and Assistant Professor Dr. Mohsen Abdel Hai Dasher, participated in the two-week training fellowship in the Netherlands for the period from 15 to 28 May, which was set up by the Dutch Wageningen University and some training institutes there such as: Delphy, Lentiz, Icra and Nuffic. Dr. mentioned. Mohsen Abdul Hai said that the fellowship dealt with theoretical lectures and field training in various agricultural specializations, such as: horticulture, soil, plant breeding, food processing, electronic management of farms and integrated biological control, as well as lectures on managing and leading working groups. It is worth noting that this fellowship comes within the scientific cooperation agreement signed between the University of Basra and the Dutch government, and it is not the first to receive trainees from the University of Basra, but was preceded by a training of a group of professors from the University of Basra in the Netherlands in November 2021. As Abdul Hai indicated that there will be future cooperation between the Dutch government and the University of Basra regarding the development of the private agricultural sector in the governorates of northern Iraq, the center and Basra, especially with regard to addressing the challenges faced by the agricultural sector from lack of water and high salinity, such as the cultivation of salinity-resistant hybrids or the introduction of Modern agricultural techniques in rational consumption of water, fertilizers and pesticides.