University of Basrah organizes a seminar on ((Water stress and its effect on growth characteristics, yield and quality of several crops))

University of Basrah  organizes a seminar on ((Water stress and its effect on growth characteristics, yield and quality of several crops)) in the Graduate Studies Hall / Crops Department. The seminar, presented by researcher Yassin Mohsen Ghadeeb, aimed to introduce the concept of water stress and its impact on growth, yield and quality characteristics of several crops and to know the response of the crop to water stress. The episode included how to manage the crop to withstand water stress by following appropriate and modern irrigation methods to increase the efficiency of water use. The seminar recommended, as results of many studies, the use of modern irrigation methods to reduce water losses and maintain soil moisture for a longer period, and to choose good varieties that are resistant to drought conditions, which are compatible with environmental conditions and have the ability to continue growing and give high production, as well as managing the crop in terms of planting date and in proportion to Less effective stress conditions, cultivation with appropriate agricultural densities, and management of the fertilization process in terms of quantities and appropriate addition dates, which are reflected in improving the performance of crops.