The College of Agriculture was established in 1971 with the aim of meeting the needs of the country and the southern region in particular of specialized workers to work in the various agricultural sectors. Mechanism of cooperation and contractual projects. Associated with the college is the Agricultural Advisory Office, which was established in 1987-1988, as its services are complementary to those provided by the college and in various agricultural specializations and to provide scientific advice to citizens in those fields. It accepts the students and teachers of the college and the college issues a scientific journal (Basra Journal of Agricultural Sciences).
Building name Total Area
Building A 4200 m2
Building B 43800 m2
Building C 86400m2
Total 134400 m2
The College of Agriculture is located in the Karma ِ Ali in an agricultural area neat Karma Ali River, away from the Shatt al-Arab and 10 km from the center of the city of Basra, which has a high density of about 4 million people. The college was established in 1971 to meet the country's need for agricultural engineers. The college consists of three buildings: the Deanship of the College, the Departments of Fish and Marine Resources, field crops, machinery and agricultural machinery in the form of adjacent and separate buildings. The third building consists of three floors, which includes the departments of plant protection, horticulture and garden engineering And the Department of Animal Production on the third floor, the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources, the College Library on the second floor, the Department of Food Sciences, the central laboratories, the Medicinal Plants Unit and tissue Agriculture Unit on the ground floor.
The college building is located on a land area of about 134,400 square meters, surrounded by green spaces and a number of plastic and wooden shades, as well as 432 donums of agricultural land. It is an agricultural research station and the lands on which experiments are conducted by undergraduate and postgraduate students, lecturer ' research, and the gardens surrounding the college buildings.
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