Summer Training

summer training:- Training students during the summer vacation is considered one of the forms of training aimed at introducing students to the reality of the practical environment and what it requires of diligence and discipline. On the other hand, it provides an opportunity for public and private sector institutions to learn about the potential and skills of students, in addition to its benefits with regard to directing young people to benefit from summer vacation. Summer Training Objectives:- Giving students the opportunity to gain practical experience and training before graduation. Deepening students' understanding of the theoretical sciences they have received in their field of specialization. Directing students to take responsibility and adhere to deadlines. Directing students to deal with members of the community outside the university. Directing students to respect others and listen to their opinions. Preparing the student to prepare and write technical reports. Develop the student's scientific skills and prepare him for field work. Providing industrial establishments with information about the quality of human resources that will contribute to industry, development and services in the future. Giving the opportunity for these institutions to evaluate the student’s performance during the training period and to know the extent of benefit from it and its employment after graduation. Registration steps:- Registration for summer training usually begins at the beginning of April and continues until the end of May of the second semester. Here are the registration steps: The student goes to the summer training official in the branch to take a no-objection letter to the training body. The training authority shall address the department with no objection to training the student. Duties of the Training Committee:- The summer training committee in the department manages the training process, in coordination with the university training committee, and assigns scientific supervisors from among the teaching staff to supervise students in training sites in coordination with the department head. training time:- The duration of summer training is 30 days for the third stage during the summer vacation, provided that it is completed before moving to the fourth stage, and the student is not entitled to register for any other academic courses. Obligations of the student before the training period:- Ensure that he is not on the list of students dismissed from the university after the end of the semester preceding the summer training period. Complete all academic procedures and requirements, which differ from one department to another. Completing all procedures with the Summer Training Committee, which include the following: Obtaining the approval of the training authority as mentioned previously. Receipt of the official letter addressed by the university to the training authority, including an introduction to the student, his specialization, and an evaluation form during the training period. Receiving a profile containing some information, instructions and forms related to summer training, and reviewing the officer of the training committee in the branch to find out other requirements. Obligations of the student during the training period:- To spend the specified training period with the training body for which it was appointed or approved by the Summer Training Department, and not to move to another entity except after obtaining an official approval from each university and destination. Commitment to the rules and regulations of work at the training authority. The student collects the information and elements necessary to write the final report of the summer training. Obligations of the student after the training period:- Review the summer training committee official in the branch at the beginning of the semester following the training period to find out the date of the deadline for submitting the final report, and any delay in submitting the final version of the report will result in the student obtaining a failing grade, which requires him to re-train. Obligations of the training entity:- Providing the student with the appropriate job, and not taking advantage of the student’s presence in the institution to carry out routine work that is not related to his specialization, such as hiring him to print official books, file officers, or translator…etc. Determining the training period, naming a practical supervisor by the trainee, provided that he holds at least a bachelor’s degree, and organizing a training program for each student. Fill out the evaluation form for the trainee student after the end of the training period, and send it to the university. The institution should work to achieve the continuous relationship between the university and the student and allow the scientific supervisor from the university to visit the student periodically and review the training program.