Duties of head of Fisheries department

The head of the scientific department exercises the following powers:
First - Scientific powers:
1- Implementing the decisions of the University Council and the College or Institute Council regarding the scientific department.
2- Managing the department or branch from the scientific, administrative, educational, cultural, financial and student affairs aspects.
3- Supervising the progress of teaching and following up on the teaching staff’s performance of their duties.
4- Preparing quarterly and annual scientific reports on the department’s activity and submitting them to the dean.
5- Preparing a student training program.
6- Directing the writing of university theses according to the needs of the country.
7- Forming the examination committee in the department.
8- Nominating graduate students applying to study in the department in accordance with admission controls.
9- Recommendation to update the curricula for postgraduate studies based on the approval of the scientific department.
10- Presenting research to scientific committees for the purposes of support and promotion.
11- Proposing the issuance of administrative orders regarding university full-time and additional lectures based on the approval of the College Council.
12- Experts’ proposal to consider academic promotions for department teachers.
13- Approval of the nomination of faculty members to participate in the technical, administrative and scientific committees.
14- Directing inquiries to faculty members when they are absent or late for official work.
15 - Communicating with the scientific departments at the university and the corresponding departments in other Iraqi universities regarding scientific and teaching affairs, with the prior approval of the Deanship.
16- Discussing the curriculum and its vocabulary and submitting proposals regarding it.
17- Determine the department’s needs for teachers, technicians, and administrators based on the recommendation of the scientific department.
18- Proposing the number of students and the conditions for admission to the scientific department according to the capacity.
19 - Distribution of study materials to faculty members in the scientific department based on what is decided by the administrative department.
Second - Administrative powers: -
1- Signing the annual bonus form and signing in the direct supervisor field for all department members and recommending that they be granted bonuses and promotions.
2- Approval to grant university service employees regular vacations based on University Service Law No. (23) of 2008.
3- Recommending granting thanks and appreciation to department members in the case of outstanding performance.
4- Recommending granting fellowships and academic leaves to members of the department.
5 - Distributing duties to the department’s members according to what is dictated by the department’s scientific interest and issuing administrative orders accordingly.
6- Inviting the department council to meet.
7 - Issuing administrative orders regarding the delivery of lectures by external lecturers in coordination with the dean of the college or institute and following up on the payment of their fees.