A master's thesis at the University of Basrah discusses some productive and physiological criteria for the generation resulting from the mating of Lohmann Classic females with local roosters.

A master's thesis in the Department of Animal Production at the College of Agriculture at the University of Basrah discussed some productive and physiological criteria for the generation resulting from the mating of Lohmann Classic females with two strains of local Iraqi males: white bare neck (WN) and brown (BR). The thesis of the student Khalil Ibrahim Abdel Nabi, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Qutaiba Jassim Ghani, included cross-breeding two breeds of local Iraqi males, the white bare-necked and the brown, with the females of the commercial Lohmen breed, the white, which included a study of hatching traits, productive performance, physiological performance and some reproductive traits for the first generation resulting from cross-breeding. The thesis aimed at improving the productive and physiological performance of Iraqi local chickens by cross-bringing two strains of white, bare-necked, and brown local Iraqi males with white commercial Lohmen breed females. The thesis concluded that there is a superiority of the generation produced by BR XL cross in the average live body weight, weight gain rate, and feed consumed rate with improved feed conversion efficiency and weight rate at sexual maturity compared with the generation produced by WN XL cross, and a superiority was found in the age rate at maturity. Sexual generation of WN XL crosses compared with BR X L crosses.