University of Basrah organizes a workshop on the use of clean farming method in food production and cultivation of cycloronia

The College of Agriculture at the University of Basrah, Department of Field Crops, organized a workshop on the use of the clean farming method in food production and the cultivation of the cycloronia plant. The workshop aimed to introduce the cycloronia plant, its importance and areas of use Learn about clean farming methods, their importance, and the methods used in their application The workshop, which was attended by Dr. Khawla Daoud Kateh and Assistant Professor Rawafed Hadi Al-Obaidi, included the first axis addressing how to use modern methods in agriculture and avoiding pesticides and chemical fertilizers in food production The second axis is throwing a flash on the cyclornia plant, which is one of the salt-tolerant plants that can be used as a source of oil in addition to its other uses. The workshop recommended the need to move away from the traditional farming method and replace it with safe alternatives such as organic fertilizers and bio fertilizers for the purpose of reducing the negative effects of residual fertilizers and chemicals and their damage to human health. And the experience of cultivating the cycloronia plant due to its importance and the appropriateness of our environmental conditions for its cultivation and propagation.