University of Basrah organizes a workshop on palm trees between today's reality, desertification and sustainability under the slogan of the palm tree and its role in ensuring food security

The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering at the College of Agriculture at the University of Basrah, in cooperation with the Palm Research Center, organized a workshop on palm trees. desertification and sustainable Under the slogan The palm tree and its role in ensuring food security. The aim of the workshop has always been to Active participation in finding solutions Scientific and contribute to the clarification Effective strategies for solving The problems faced by the sector Agricultural in general and palm Especially as you seek to find An environment suitable for incubating researchers And scientists in the field of palm sector To create a work environment for making plans Assess risks and keep pace with development What is happening in this field for Advancement of the palm sector. The workshop, which was attended by Professor Alaa Al-Badran from Basra Governorate, included A lecture entitled "The Reasons for the Failure of Palm Cultivation" and present Prof. Dr. Khairallah, Director of the Palm Research Center, gave his lecture on tissue culture Professor Muhammad from the Basra Agriculture Directorate gave a lecture entitled  Prevention and treatment of pests Palm farmers have also been circulating about their experiences of cultivating Al-Muhal in Basra Governorate The workshop recommended finding palm-growing projects according to water economy Recycling and treating sewage or fish farming water and using it to irrigate palms It also recommended supporting palm farmers with fertilizers and pesticides It established new irrigation projects and built a dam on the Shatt al-Arab.