The College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, in the Department of Plant Protection, organized an indicative symposium on the most important pests that affect honey bees, and in cooperation with the Directorate of Basra Agriculture, the Department of Plant Protection for beekeepers and technical cadres in the technical agricultural divisions in the agricultural divisions and on the hall of the Plant Protection Department The symposium included giving four scientific lectures that dealt with (varroa mite, wax moth, warwar, and eastern red wasp) and ways to combat them. The workshop, which was attended by A.M. Dr.. Muslim Ashour Abdel Wahed and Prof. Muhammad Alwan Salman and Prof. Hussein Ali Mahdi and Prof. Amjad Abbas Fadl explain the recommendations and directives received to us from the Plant Protection Department for the campaign to combat Varroa mites in preparation for the implementation of the control campaign using a pesticide ( Abi Live Far) according to the agreed time The participants in the scientific symposium appreciated the efforts exerted in implementing this extension activity and the efforts of the professors of the Plant Protection Department at the Faculty of Agriculture who spared no effort to support the agricultural sector.