A seminar at the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources dealt with the effect of diclofenac on the activity of some genes and its role in causing morphological malformations in the sail-fin mollyfish.

On Tuesday 7-3-2023, a seminar was held for the PhD student "Nasser Alwan Saleh"
The effect of diclofenac on the activity of some genes and its role in causing morphological malformations in the sailfish Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur, 1821).

The seminar dealt with revealing the effect of the drug on bones and cartilage and its effect on the regrowth and restoration of bone tissue in sail-finned molly fish, which is an ideal model for this type of studies due to its ability to regrowth and regeneration of bone tissue.
The researcher added that knowing the extent of the effect of Diclofenac as one of the types of drugs used as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain resulting from many pathological conditions on the growth and formation of bones and cartilage. Appearance in many bony parts, where deformation occurred in the jaws, spine, fins, gill cover, and eyes, as well as the occurrence of hemorrhagic areas.
In addition to the effect of the activity of some genes related to bone and cartilage growth and formation, such as bmp1 and col1a1, and the gene expression level of target genes was estimated by examining the polymerase chain reaction in real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The drug had a negative effect on the level of gene expression. And it decreased clearly for all studied genes.

The seminar included an open discussion by the department professors and postgraduate students present, and their inquiries and observations on the topic of the seminar.