An electronic workshop is being conducted at Basra University on the stages of seed production for grain crops and their effects on increased production

Under the sponsorship of Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen, President of the University of Basra, and Prof. Dr. Sajid Saad, Dean of the College of Agriculture, Agronomy department, an electronic workshop was conducted, entitled Stages of Planting Seed Production for grain Crops and their Effect on Increasing Production.

The purpose of the workshop is to understand how to use seed from reliable sources and to describe the stages and mechanisms of seed production.

The workshop deals with several axes, including the stage of seed production, the program of multiplication of the high-grade wheat crop seed and its role in the production of high-quality seeds, and the effective management of the high-grade wheat crop. The workshop suggested that farmers plant varieties approved by the Ministry of Agriculture, directly collected from the stores of the Ministry of Agriculture, and following the Ministry's instructions related to seed rate, chemical, and biofertilizers, accuracy in soil preparation, which ensures high production and quality of the yield and emphasis on weed control through the growth stage and pre-harvest stage because of its great return in increasing the quantity and quality of the grain yield and not to stop irrigation of the wheat crop until signs of maturity appear on the plant and dryness and change of the color of the flag leaf from green to brown.