University of Basra conducts a workshop on (Dab fertilizer, its composition, and benefits).

The College of Agriculture at the University of Basra held a seminar on (DAP fertilizer, its composition, and benefits) at the postgraduate Hall / Field Crops Department.
The seminar presented by the researcher Hussein Yassin Jabbar aimed to clarify the fertilizer of the dab, its composition and the importance of the two components nitrogen and phosphorous, and the two basic elements for the growth and production of plants and using them in the form of compound fertilizer to ensure the readiness of the nutrient and reduce the loss and fixation to optimize the use of this fertilizer.
The seminar included an introductory briefing on the composition of DAP fertilizer (Diammonium Phosphate), clarification of the benefits of DAP fertilizer, methods, and dates of its use, information on phosphate fertilizers, types of phosphate fertilizer mixtures, methods of making and preparing dab fertilizer.
As a result of several studies, the seminar recommended that dab fertilizer is one of the most significant mixtures of phosphate fertilizer, ease of managing, shipping, storage, and the low cost to farmers.